Islam- The Religion Of Peace

Islam- The Religion Of Peace

Thursday, February 27, 2014



Hello Mami and Papa, 

I don't know how else to approach you in order to explain my reasoning behind my life changing decision and have you listen and understand at the same time. Since I can long remember I have not be a strong believer of cristianity, there was a lot that did not make sense to me, for example, why I have to beg for forgiveness to a priest? Why I have to pray to saints and not straight to God, why is Jesus the SON of God, why are their SOO many versions of the bible?The religion became a fascination to me, and I truly wanted to know more. I purchased a few books in the UK and read some pamphlets on the religion. I did not make any decisions but I continued to read and become more familiar to Islam. Islam began making sense to me, the idea that we pray only to Allah, that we ...ask Allah for help and for forgive us, how a book (the Quran) that was written thousands of years ago remains unchanged as of today

(there are different translations but no different versions) . Also how a book that was written years ago managed to explain scientific situations that was only discovered by man kind only a couple of year ago. Or how the Quran has managed to explains how babies develop in the womb? How would anyone thousands of years ago know this and in such detail? Especially since scientist discovered the explanation of these situations less that 100 years ago?? How can we explain those wonders of the book?   Also how can I deny the holy book when it has been so clear in explaining advanced technology, how the day turns into the night, the creation of human beings by water (as we know scientifically to be known that we came from cells) layers of heaven (which we describe now in scientific terms as the atmospheric levels?). Furthermore, the beginning of the universe and the movement of tectonic plates (there are numerous other examples of the science behind the QURAN

What also has touched me is that Islam believes in ALL THE PROPHETS - JESUS MOSES DAVID ABRAHAM AND MOHAMMAD (pbuh) they all coexist in he Quran, the Quran also tells us that we must respect ALL religions. Mami and Papi, I can not explain how many times I have made my self clear to you of what I believed in, I could not have given myself away anymore! Every time I spoke hours and hours on end about Islam, and how I knew so much. Also I began of interacting more with Muslim friends; I felt that they would be able to give me a clear explanation of Islam. 

Also Islam played a major part in self respect, and it helped my appreciate my self more, and realize that I should stay away from harmful situation such as drinking, smoking, going out with people that only meant trouble. I told you what my friends were like, they were heading the wrong direction, and I did not want to be in that direction and believing in Islam made it easier for me to walk away from the powers of shaytaan and do better

Also Islam was and has been the reason for my success in school. I have placed my mind in my studies instead of going out all the time as my old friends did, and trust me you would not like me to be like them, because if I had been than you would have every single reason to think I was a bad person, that I was irresponsible and that I was a disgrace to the family. After almost one year of studying Islam I had no doubt in my mind that it was not the right religion. I was prepared to become a Sunni Muslim . In early June 2006 I attended the mosque in Westbury NY to ask further questions about Islam and after speaking to a sister and the imam of the mosque I knew that it was time to make the right decision. I did shahada around 2 weeks later which is the Islamic creed; it means to testify or to bear witness in Arabic, the declaration of the belief. I stated in front of 80- 100 Muslims "ash hadu anla ilaha illallah, wa ash hadu anla Mohammad roosul Allah" which translates to "I believe in one and only God and Mohammad is his messenger" It was such a beautiful experience.   I had been accepted into the Islam. I was welcomed by every single Muslim at the mosque with open arms, I felt too special, it felt so right, I knew I had made the best decision in my life, and it was something that was going to bring positive sides of me. It is so hard to explain the rush, and the emotional and faith satisfaction that I had at that moment, but I knew there was something wrong, that I was not able to celebrate my happiness with the people in my life that I loved the most, the meant to most to me, and that was you and papi. The moment was wonderful but not complete. I really wish you could have been as proud of me as I was for myself.

To be continued.....


.....It hurt so much to think and feel that my biggest challenge would be to openly tell you about me and Islam, about me and my faith, about me and my happiness. I know that you both want the best for me, you want me to be happy and you want me to be responsible, and you want me to be independent and make the RIGHT decisions. I have done the right decision, and I made it all by myself, and I read about Islam all by myself, I discovered Islam in me all by myself, IT WAS ME who made every decision from the point were I began in the Islamic interest to the point where I am now. I can’t lie to you and tell you I had no influences because how else would I have been influenced by wanting to know more about Islam? Well from observing other people. How do we know as humans whether eating a chocolate cake taste good or not? We taste it, we try others to compare and then we make a final decision and if we like it we continue to eat if we don’t then we disregard it.

Mami and Papi, I know I might seem weak sometimes in certain situations, and 

I know I display signs of vulnerability , but converting into Islam was decided by me, its hard and it hurts to think that all this studying, research of Islam and me converting has been credited to someone else, but at the end of the day the only one that knows the truth is God and it is to him that I will be standing in front of on the day of Judgment, and it is him that knows everything. It is stated in the Quran that all the prophets were messengers of God, they all came to spread the news and religion of God, but that they all came in their own time, and that Mohammad ( pbuh) was the last messenger of God.

I know my word is hard to believe after the incidents these past two days, but there is nothing more that I can do to prove to both of you when it comes to the decisions that I made about Islam.

And most importantly I want you both to understand that it is virtually impossible to explain ALL of my reasoning behind my belief in Islam, this email is not even 1 /100 th of it all, I have spent hours and hours and hours speaking to others about my feeling towards Islam, and I wish and pray to Allah that one day I will be able to express everything I feel about Islam with both of you.

I still remain to be the daughter that you had almost 21 years ago, it has not changed the way I feel about you, you still are the most important people in my life, I love you both more than anything, I just have a different belief and its one which will bring you no shame, it will not physically hurt you, and I will not patronize our relationship. I love you both very much and I only pray for the best,

Carolina Amirah DeFonseca



" GOOD MORNING" kiya hay.?

YE ZAMANA-e- JAHILIYAT KA SALAAM HAI! HAMARE PYAARY NABI{ S.A.W.W} K PAAS 1 SHAKHS ne aa kar "subha bakhair" {GOOD MORNING} kaha TO AAP "S.A.W. W" NE FARMAYA HAMARA SALAAM TUMHARE SALAAM Se BEHTAR HAI or wohi Ahl-e-jannat ka salaam hai.. YANI "ASSALAAMU-ALAIKUM" {Seerat- un- Nabwia. 2 /272. 

Ap Khud b Good morning kehne se bachen or dosron ko ye sms send kar k bachne ko kahen..



There are those who argue that since Islam permits Muslim men to have sexual intercourse with their slave girls, 

this then means that they also have the right to rape them.   This is absurd. 

The right to have sex with a woman does not necessarily imply that one has the right to rape her as well.

To say that a Muslim man has the right to rape his slave girl is like saying that a man has the right to rape his wife; which is not true.

Rape in Islam is completely forbidden. See this and this .   Imam Maalik said:        الأمر عندنا في الرجل يغتصب المرأة بكراً كانت أو ثيبا : أنها إن كانت حرة : فعليه صداق مثلها , نقص من ثمنها ، والعقوبة في ذلك على المغتصب     

In our view the man who rapes a woman, regardless of whether she is a virgin or not, if she is a free woman he must pay a "dowry" like that of her peers, and if she is a slave he must pay whatever has been detracted from her value.slave he must pay whatever has been detracted from her value. The punishment is to be carried out on the rapist and there is no punishment for the woman who has been raped, whatever the case.   

(Imam Maalik, Al- Muwatta' , Volume 2 , page 734)     

Imam Al Shaafi'i said :       وإذا اغتصب الرجل الجارية الجهالة أخذت منه الجارية والعقر     

"If a man acquires by force a slave-girl, then has sexual intercourse with her after he acquires her by force , and if he is not excused by ignorance, then the slave-girl will be taken from him, he is required to pay the fine, and he will receive the punishment for illegal sexual intercourse. " 

(Imam Al Shaafi'i, Kitaabul Umm, Volume 3 , page 253)       

Notice that both of these top classical scholars have stated that a man is to be punished for raping a slave girl. 

Of course this not our ultimate proof that Islam forbids rape, 

but this is to show that the early classical scholars surely did not understand Islam to be teaching it.

 In an authentic narration from Sunan Al Bayhaqi, Volume 2 , page 363 , Hadith no. 18685 we read the foll

   Abu al-Hussain bin al-Fadhl al-Qatan narrated from Abdullah bin Jaffar bin Darestweh from Yaqub bin Sufyan from al-Hassab bin Rabee from Abdullah bin al-Mubarak from Kahmas from Harun bin Al-Asam who said: Umar bin al-Khatab may Allah be pleased with him sent Khalid bin al-Walid in an army, hence Khalid sent Dharar bin al- Auwzwar in a squadron and they invaded a district belonging to the tribe of Bani Asad. They then captured a pretty bride , Dharar liked her hence he asked his companions to grant her to him and they did so. He then had sexual intercourse with her , when he completed his mission he felt guilty, and went to Khalid and told him about what he did. Khalid said: 'I permit you and made it lawful to you.' He said: 'No not until you write a message to Umar'. (Then they sent a message to Umar) and Umar answered that he (Dharar) should be stoned. By the time Umar's message was delivered, Dharar was dead. (Khalid) said: 'Allah didn't want to disgrace Dharar'

Notice that Umar ibn Al Khattab (the second caliph) ordered the man who captured the slave girl and had sex with her to be stoned for this crime, for he took the slave girl unjustly. 

Do these critics who raise these arguments know Islam better than Umar ibn al Khattab?   

We anticipate what our opponents might say in response. They will say that the scholars whom I just cited and the story of Umar ibn Al Khattab only refer to someone who raped a slave girl who did not belong to him , 

however one may rape the slave girl that is his property. Even though the story in Sunan Al Bayhaqi makes it clear that the man had sex with the girl after possessing her, we will accept this response only for the sake of argument.   

It is nonsense to suggest that one could rape the slave girl he possesses because the Prophet (peace be upon him) warned us that we must take good care of those under our authority:

"There is no person to whom Allaah has given people to take care of, and he fails to take care of them properly , but he will not smell the fragrance of Paradise .

" (Saheeh Bukhari no. 6731 ; Saheeh Muslim, no. 142)   

'Umar ibn al-Ahwas (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that he heard the Messenger of Allaah SAWS ( peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say during his Farewell Pilgrimage:   

" Verily, you have rights over your women, and your women have rights over you. As for your rights over your women, they are that they should not allow anyone to sit on your beds whom you dislike, or allow anyone into your houses whom you dislike. 

Verily, their rights over you are that you should treat them well with regard to their clothing and food." 

(Reported by al-Tirmidhi, 1163 , and Ibn Maajah, 1851). 



Munafiq aur bidati jahannum ke sabse Nichley darjey mein honge'

(surah-al-nisa, aayat-no: 145) '' 

lado unse jo 

(1) imaan nahi rakhte allah par 

(2) na hi qiyamat par 

(3) na hi wo haraam karte hai jo allah ne aur uske rasool{saw} ne haraam kiya hai 

(4) aur wo jo islaam ko kubool nahi karte ahl-e- kitab (jews and christians), jab tak wo jaziyah(tax) nahi dete apni marzi se, aur chote ban kar rahe''.

(surah-al-tauba, aayat-no: 29 ) 

'' aur ruzu(palto) apney rab ki taraf aur uskey farmabardar bano isse pehle ke tum par azab aaye, fhir tum ko koi madad mil na sakegi ''

(surah-al-ankaboot, aayat-no: 54 ). 

'' aye eman walo! Allah ke madadgar bano . jis tarah isa-ibne-maryam ne apney hawariyo(companions) se kaha tha 'kuan hai allah ke rah me mera madadgar? Hawariyo ne jawab diya tha, hum hai allah ke bani israel ke ek giroh emaan laya aur dusrey giroh ne kufr kiya .toh humne(allah ne) emaan lane walo ki unke dushmano ke muqabley mein madad ki aur wah galib ho gaye

(surah-al-saff, 14) "

the end


SUNNAT<:: Nabvi ko aam krein 

HELLO Nahi As Salam o Alikum 


Bye TakeCare Nahi Fee Eman ALLAH 





in alfaz ko aise ada karen


Bismillahirrahmanir raheem


Is article ka maqsad sirf is baat par roshni daalna hai ki kya ye report muslimon ki rahnumayi karti hai?? Kya is report ko lekar jo khushi musalmano ko ho rahi hai jayez hai??

Mera maqsad kisi ki tanqeed karna nahi...


Musalmano ki backwardness (pichdapan) dikhane ki koshish ki gayi hai ki hindustani musalmaan ki kya haalat hain....

Gaur karne ka maqaam hai jo qawm ne 1000 saal hindustan me shaan o showkat se hukumat ki ho... Aur aaj aajadi ke sirf 60 saal baad aisi haalat ho gayi ki iska haalat Daliton ke barabar bhi nahi hai....

Report batati hai ki har tabke me musalmano ki taadat kam hai chahe wo sarkari tabqa ho ya gair sarkari.....

Ye report musalmano ko muh chidaati nazar aa rahi hai,

Aaj duniya ki sabse taqatwar qawm ki iss halat ke peeche kya wajah hai ye Ye bhi sochne ka maqaam hai....

Iski khaas wajah hai emaan ki kami.. Aaj hamare ander imaan ki kami.. Chahe wo siyasat ho ya gair siyasati kaam.

Pahle ke log jaise abul kalam, abdul gaffar khan etc siyasat karte they lekin kabhi apna imaan nahi becha... Kabhi teeke nahi lagwaaye, gair allah ko sajde nahi kiye, dusron ke saamne haath nahi joda...

Lekin aaj ka musalmaan in sab kamon se kaasir hai imaan bik gaya hai..... Iraq, afghanistan, libyi to sirf ek example hai ki kaise us desh ke logon ne chand dollaron ke liye apne hi bhaiyyon ke saath gaddari kari....

Is sacchar committee ki aad me world bank aur UNO ko ye bataya jaa raha hai dekho hamne is taqatwar qawm ko 60 saal me hi kahan se kahan pahuncha diya...

Musalmano neend se jaago... Yahudi islaam ka khula dushman hai, wo har tarah se islam ko mitana chahta hai... Agar har musalmaan apne imaan par qayam rahe.. To inshaallah musalmano ki . Kamyabi ko koi rok nahi sakta....imaan ka jajba laao bhaiyon.....

Siyasat karo acchi baat hai lekin imaan ke saath jaisa pahle ke logon ne karke bataya..

Gairmuslimon ko islam ki daawat do... Kisi bhi tarah se dawat do....lekin ek baar zaroor do...

Taki akhirat me tum bach jaaoge.... Allah ki pakad se bacho...

Allah hamen haq baat kahne ,samjhne, aur karne ki taufeeq de




Par ''yani hum muslims ke zimme yeh duty hai ke hume allah ke deen ko galib(superior,bada)banana hai. 

Yeh hum sab muslims ki duty hai ,yeh farz-e-aaen hai(no one is exempted).kiya hum ye kaam kar rahe hai ???.

hume allah ne apne deen ko puri duniya mein bada banane ko kaha tha lekin afsos sad afsos musalmano socho toh zara duniya ke kis hisse mein allah ka bheja hua deen chalta hai. 

gairo ko chodo khud hamara 'haram-halal' dusre decide karte hai.allah ka bataya 'haram-halal' aaj neeche hai .(allah gawah hai mujhe rohna aa raha hai) jua(gambling) zina( fornication) sood(interest), blue films (ka dekhna kis kadar shaitaan ne asan bana diya),behayai hamre rab ne toh parda de kar hazrat muhammed{saw} ko bheja tha, fasley kis kanoon ke mutabik ho rahi hai allah farmata hai 

"joh log allah ke utare hue kanoon ke mutabik fasla na karey wahi toh kafir hai'',

"joh log allah ke utare hue kanoon ke mutabik fasla na karey wahi toh zalim hai''

"joh log allah ke utare hue kanoon ke mutabik fasla na kare wahi toh fasik(reblious) hai''

(surah-al- maidah, aayat-n0 : 44 ,45 ,47) 

liberalism,seclarism, etc etc sab hai par afsoos kahi 'allah ka kaha' nahi hai'...

'allah ki aise bagawat isse pehle zameen mein kabhi nahi hui'. Hum kehte zaroor hai 'har namaz mein 'allah hu akbar'(allah sabse bada hai). 

Musalmano batao kiya allah sach mein bada hai? 

Ya shaitaan bada hai?

Nahi ban paya? 

Kiya hamarey ghar mein t.v band ho gayi? 

Kiya hum sood(interest) ki lanat se bach gaye? 

Kiya hamarey shadi-biyah allah ki marzi ke muttabik hote hai? 

Hum kaha-kaha tak haram halal ka tameez karte hai? 

Kab tak musalmanno time pass karoge? 

Allah farmata hai ''kiya imaan walo ke liye woh waqt nahi aaya ki unke dil allah ke zikr(quran) aur uske utare hue haq ke aage jhuk jae.

(surah- al-hadid, aayat-no: 16) 

jab tak shariat(divine law) zameen par lagu nahi kiya jayega allah bada nahi banega!!! 

Kyon ke allah ne apne rasool{sall’allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} ko deen-e -haq de kar bheja hai.islam isliye aaya hai ke uske mutabik zameen chale.

allah farmata hai agar musalmano tum allah ke kam nahi karoge toh allah tumhare sath ye karega

''kaho agar tumahre baap,tumahre bete,tumahre bhai,tumahri wifes,tumahri family,aur wo maal joh tumne hasil kiya hai aur wah karobaar jiske mandey pad jane ka tumko shak hai aur wah ghar jo tum ko pasand hai tumhe allah se,aur uski rah mein jahddo- jehad(struggle) karne sey zyada mehboob hai toh intezar karo yaha tak allah apna fasla sadir farmaye.aur allah nafarmano ko rah nahi dekhata.

''(surah-al-tauba, aayat-no: 24) 

jaddo-jehad(struggle)ye batati hai ke kaun allah se aur uske rasool se sach mein mohabbat karte hai.lambi-lambi zabane rakhne wale musalmanno yeh kaam allah ne hum sab par farz-e-aan(no one is exempted)hai. 

Arey apney career ,apney buisness,apney kaamo ko choro aur allah ka kaam chalu karo ..marna tumko bhi hai marna mujhe ko bhi hai qabar Mein jana hai fir allah se kyon daga karte ho, agar nahi karoge to allah farmata hai

''uski rah mein jahddo- jehad(struggle) karne sey zyada mehboob hai toh intezar karo yaha tak allah apna fasla sadir farmaye' 'allah aage farmata hai "tum inke maal aur aulad dekh kar tajjub na karo. Allah to ye chahata hai ke inke zareye sey in ko duniya ki zindagi mein azab de aur inki jaane is haal mein nikale ki wo kafir ho'

(surah-al-tauba, aayat-no: 55)

arey socho zara sahaba nabi{saw} ka sath chor kar apney gharo se nikley madine shareef mein to nabi{saw} the.

'jaha nabi{saw} ka paseena gira sahaba ne apna khoon gira diya..aur islaam galib ho gaya' .

aaj kitne afsoos ki baat hai deen gairoh ka nafis(buland) hai,hum muslim unke deen ke tehat apni zindagi guzar rahe hain.

'hum apney islaam ko sirf mazab(only namaz,roza,haj) bana kar rakh diya hai,

jabki islam deen(24 hours life) hai'.hume unko jaziya(tax) de kar zindagi guzar rahe hai, deen unka bada hai, hum sirf namaaz roza tak muslim hai. 

Allah farmata hai ''jab kitab ke ek hissey par amal karoge aur ek hissey ka inkar to aisa karne wale ki saza is ke siwa aur kiya hogi ke duniya mein ruswai aur aakhirat mein sakht tareen azab'

(surah-al-baqrah, aayat- no: 85) 

aayat ke in alfaz par ghaur kare 'akhirat mein sakht tareen azab .

qiyamat mein to sab jante hai ke sabse zada azab munafiqo(joh dawah karte hai muslim hone ka lekin islam par pura aamal nahi karte) ko milega .



Hazrat-Muhammed{sall’ Allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} ka mission kya tha.?

Us mission ka asal kam (highest virtue) kya tha? 

Hazrat- Mohammed{sall’allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} ke mission ke bare mein baat karne se pehle hum is duniya ko allah ne kyon banaya isse janna bahut zaruri hai.

duniya ke bare mein soch kar ek samjhdar insaan ye sochne par majboor hota hai ke 

''yeh kaynat(universe) kyon paida ki gai hai ? 

Kisne ne paida ki hai? 

Kya Ye apne aap chal rahi? 

Yah iska koi chalane wala bhi hai? 

Iska anjam kya hone wala hai? 

is mein jo allah ne cheeze paida ki hai,kyon paida ki hai? 

Fir insan sochta hai meri zindgi ka maqsad kya hai? 

Mujhe kyon paida kiya gaya hai?

mera role kiya hai?

meri hasiyat kiya hai?

mera anjam kya hone wala hai? 

Ye sawal paida hote hai? 

Ab jab hum inka jawab quraan mein dhundte hai tab hum pate hai..allah quran mein farmata hai ,

"aur yaad karo jab tere 'rab'(palnewale) ne 'farishto' se kaha ki mein zameen par ek 'khalifa'(vicegerent) bana ne wala hu"

( surah-al-baqrah,aayat-no: 30) 

{yeh hazrat adam ki paidaish ke pehle ka mamla hai,allah ne hazrat adam(yani hum insano) ko is kaynat ka khalifa banaya hai.khalifa kuan hota hai ? 

Khalifa= wo jo malik(owner) ki milkiyat(estate, property) mein us(malik) ke diye gaye ikhtiyar(power, rights,privileges) malik ke numayendey(representative) ki hasiyat se istemal kare.

khalifa malik nahi hota balki asal mein malik ka nayib(representative)hota hai.khalifa ke ikhtiyar personal nahi hote balki malik ke diya gaye hote hai,woh apni marzi ke mutabik kam karne ka haq nahi rakhta, balki us ka kaam malik ki marzi ko pura karna hota Hai,

agar khalifa apne aap ko khud malik samjhne lage aur apne ikhteyar ko manmane tareke se istemal karne lage ,ya asal malik ke siwa kise aur ko apna malik samjhne lage toh yeh sab ghaddari aur bagawat hai.

aur dosri baat jab allah ne insano ko zameen ka khalefa banaya to is ka seedha sa matlab ye tha ke,allah insan ko ikhteyar de kar aazmayega ke kuan allah ki marzi ke mutabik un ikhteyar ko istemal karte hai aur kuan nahi.

Aur allah yeh bhi kehta hai ke "hum ne jinno aur insano ko sirf isliye paida kiya hai ke woh meri ibadat(bandegi) karein".

(surah-al-zaryaat, aayat-no: 56) 

{ibadat ka matlab sirf namaaz ,roza nahi hota balki puri zindagi allah ki marzi ke mutabik guzari gai hai.( complete obedience not partial obedience)}.

yah to tha insaano ki paydaish ka maqsad.jisko yaad karwane ke liye allah ne waqt-waqt mein apne messengers bheje,aur in sab messengers mein akheri hazrat muhammmed{sall’ allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam} hain.

(in sari baton ka ek natija(result) nikalta hai ke ek din aisa hona chahiye jab allah apne farmabardaro ko reward de aur na-farmano ko punishment.) Aaye ab hum dekhte hai hazrat muhammed{ sall’allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam}ko allah ne kyon rasool bana kar bheja hai,

muslims se allah kiya chata hai ? 

Hum muslims ki kya responsiblity hai?

Sabse pehle hum hazrat muhammed{sall’allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam}ke responsiblity ko dekhte hai . Allah aage hume batlata hai, huzur{sall’allaahu ta’aalaa alaihi wa’sallam}ko allah ne jab rasool banaya toh kaha

"utho aur kahbardar karo" (arise and warn) 

{surah-al-mudassir, aayat-no: 2)

hamesha ki jannat aur dozak ka fasla hojaega.fhir dusri jagah allah farmata hai 

"wah(rasool) unhe(logo ko) neki ka hukum deta hai,burai se rokta hai,unke liye pak chize halal aur napak chize haraam karta hai,aur unpar se wah boj( loads) utarta hai joh unpar lade hue the aur wah bandhan khoalta hai jin mein wey jakdey hue the.

{surah-al-aaraaf, aayat-no: 157).

Hazrat muhammed{saw} ke asal maqsad(highest virtue) joh aap ko tamam nabi aur rasoolo ki jamaat mein ek alag position ata karti hai.

allah kehta hai ''wah allah hai jisne apney rasool{saw} ko hidayat[ guidance(quran)] aur deen-e-haq(complete way of living) de kar bheja hai,taki usko galib(superior) kare sare ke sare nizam-e-zindagi(system of life) par aur is haqeqat ki gawahi ke liye allah kafi hai".

(surah-al-fatah, aayat-no: 28) 

ye aayat-e-kareem 3 bar quraan mein aai 2 bar similar aur 1 bar sirf thode se farq ke saath

{surah-al_fatah, aayat-no: 28 , surah-al-saff, aayat-no: 9 & surah-al-anfaal, aayat-no: 33 } 

allah ne is ayat 3-3 bar nazil kyon ki zara sochiye? 

Yani is aayat se hume pata chala ke allah ne hazrat muhammed{ saw} ko 2 chiz di hai nos 

1. Hidayat(quran) aur 

2. deen(yaani allah ka bheja hua zindgi jeene ka tareqa jise hum 'shariat' bhi kehte hai) 

aayat se ek baat aur pata chali ke allah ne farmaya''taki usko galib(superior) kare sare ke sare nizam-e-zindagi( system of life)
