Islam- The Religion Of Peace

Islam- The Religion Of Peace

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Brief Introductions about ISLAM

Brief Introductions about ISLAM
Islam means, to acquire peace, by submitting your will, to the will of the 1
real GOD of Universe,Abraham Moses David Jesus, Muhammad etc.
It is not a new religion.
It was not founded by Prophet Muhammad.
But it is existing, since the time of Adam.
Prophet Muhammad was the last and final prophet of the 1 real GOD of
Universe,Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus etc.
He was the successor of Prophet Jesus.
He was a descendant of Abraham, through Prophet Ishmael.
He was also illiterate, he could not read and write.
GOD had sent many Prophets, to this world.
All the previous prophets, before Prophet Muhammad, were sent, only for
the particular times and for the particular nations.
But he was sent, for all the humans, with Quran, for ever.
Qur'an is the last and final testament, of the 1 real GOD of
Universe,Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, Muhammad etc.
Qur'an was sent, for all the humans and for ever.
Now about GOD, in Islam
Islam believes in the only 1 real GOD of universe, Abraham, Moses, David,
Jesus, Muhammad etc.
It believes that there is only 1 real GOD, without any other.
It believes that the GOD has no partner, no mother, no father, no
begotten son etc.
GOD is GOD, not a human.
Humans are humans, not GOD.
Sex, beget and having sons etc, are humans acts, not of GOD,
It believes that the GOD has no beginning, no end.
It believes that the GOD is unique, HE has no similar image.
It believes that the Trinity is a lie.
These are the basic concepts of GOD, in Islam.
Now about Jesus, in Islam.
Islam believes that the Jesus was a prophet / messenger / Christ /
messiah / peace maker / servant, sent by the only 1 real GOD of Abraham,
Moses, David, Muhammad etc.
It believes, glorifies and testifies Prophet Jesus too.
It believes that the Prophet Jesus was sent, only for Israelis, for a
particular time.
It believes that the Prophet Jesus was not and is not GOD.
It believes that the Prophet Jesus was not and is not a begotten son of
It believes that the Trinity is a lie.
It believes that the GOD of Prophet Jesus is already the most merciful and
fair too.
It believes that the GOD can easily forgive all the sins, when a person
repents with sincerity and believe righteously.
It believes that each human is responsible for his own deeds, not of any
It believes that the Adam and eve also repented after sin, so GOD also
forgave them.
It also denies the concept of original sin.
It believes that the GOD of prophet Jesus saved him, by raising him up
It believes that the Prophet Jesus was never died, never crucified.
But as all the humans must die once.So the Prophet Jesus will return and
then die too.
Now about bible, in Qur'an
Qur'an also believes in the previous revelations of GOD, revealed to the
previous Prophets, for the particular nations and for the particular times.
The majors were:
1) Torah = God’s Word to the Prophet Moses
2) Zaboor = God's Word to the Prophet David
3) Injeel = God's Word to the Prophet Jesus
But, all the previous revelations of GOD, were delegated to their
nations, to protect them, as their tests.
But their nations failed to fulfill their tests, by corrupting, changing
and concealing, those pure words of GOD, revealed to their prophets,
So the Bible is a corrupted, changed and concealed form of those pure
words of GOD, revealed to their prophets, directly.
But as the Qur'an is the only 1 remaining, last and final testament
and guidance from GOD, for all the humans and forever,that’s why, in
the Qur'an, GOD himself promised to protect the Qur'an, by His own.
So I challenge the whole world that the Qur'an was, is and will always
remain 100% pure words of GOD.
I also challenge that if any 1 can prove to me, even a single
contradiction or scientific error in Quran, I am ready to leave Islam!.
I also challenge that the Qur'an was, is and will always remain 100%
purely divine, logical, practical, scientific and spiritual too.Brief Introductions about ISLAM

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