Islam- The Religion Of Peace

Islam- The Religion Of Peace

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Islam and Hinduism

I. Introduction
A. Introduction of Hinduism
1. Definition of a Hindu
The word Hindu has geographical significance and was used originally
for those people who lived beyond the river Sindhu or the region
watered by the river Indus. Some historians say that it was first used
by the Persians who came to India through the north western passes of
the Himalayas. The word Hindu is no where mentioned in Indian
literature or scriptures before the advent of Muslims to India,
according to the Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics. According to
Jawaharlal Nehru in the book Discovery of India on page 74-75, he
writes that the earliest reference to the word Hindu can be traced to a
tantrik of the 8 th Century CE, where it means a people and not a
follower of a particular religion. The use of the word Hindu in
connection with a particular religion is of late occurrence.
In short Hindu is a geographical definition used for the people living
beyond the river Indus or those living in India
2. Definition of Hinduism
a) Hinduism has been derived from the word Hindu. Hinduism was a
name given in English language in the Nineteenth Century by the
English people to the multiplicity of the beliefs and faith of the people
of the Indus land. According to New Encyclopedia Britannica 20:581.
The British writers in 1830 gave the word Hinduism to be used as the
common name for all the beliefs of the people of India excluding the
Muslims and converted Christians.
b) The term Hinduism is misleading because though it suggests the
unified system of beliefs and ideas, it is certainly not the case.
Hinduism is too broad a phenomenon to be confined to a usual
definitions of religions. It does not owe its origin, formation or
finalization to any historical person or a prophet since there is no
uniformly accepted belief sacraments, rituals and practices in
Hinduism, there are no criteria for establishing rules in Hinduism. In
short a person who calls himself a Hindu becomes a true practicing
Hindu irrespective who he worships and what ever may be his beliefs
and practice.
c) According to the Hindu scholars Hinduism is a misnomer and it
should be referred a Sanatana Dharma, meaning eternal religion or
Vedic Dharma meaning religion of the Veda. According to Swami
Vivekananda the followers of this religion is referred as Vedantist.
B. Introduction of Islam
1. Definition of Islam
Islam is an Arabic word which comes from the word ‘Salaam’ which
means ‘Peace’. It also means submitting your will to Allah - the
Almighty God. In short Islam means peace acquired by submitting your
will to Allah (SWT).
2. Definition of a Muslim
A Muslim is a person who submits his will to Allah - the Almighty God.
3. Misconception about Islam
Many people have a misconception that Islam is a new religion which
came into existence 1400 years ago and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is
the founder of the religion of Islam. Infact Islam is there since time
immemorial, since man set foot on the earth. Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) is not the founder of the religion of Islam but he is the last and
final messenger of Islam.
II. Pillars of Faith (Imaan) - Pillars of Hinduism
Pillars of Faith in Hinduism are not defined. As mentioned earlier that
Hinduism does not have a set of unified or codified beliefs. Neither does it
have any fixed pillars or principles which are obligatory for its followers to
practice. A Hindu has a freedom to practice whatever he pleases, there is
no such thing as compulsory or prohibited for him thus no act committed by
a person can make him a non-Hindu. Neither omission of any act can make
him a non-Hindu. However there are certain beliefs which are common to
most of the Hindus. Even though it may not be agreed upon 100% by all the
Hindus, we shall discuss some of them while discussing the pillars of Islam.
The most popular amongst the Aryan religion is Hinduism
1. Common concept of God in Hindu

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